
 danish peace

The door stands open and we welcome you to join us in a good place,  This is a place where you can sit down,  kick your shoes off, and think about the day.  The sun is coming through the windows.  The chairs are comfy.  It is Home!

But even so, do you know the reason  we feel jaded, and slightly dissatisfied some of the time?  It is because we know nothing about our proper Home. These are only temporary lodgings!  if we allowed ourselves to dream of The Home, we would have a different perspective of life here.

The Home is what God has promised.  This is why we need coaching for another life.  We are not naturally ready to go to The Home Jesus is preparing for us.  It is a learning process.  Everything you find on this site will take you a step nearer to being ready.

There are many places to explore.  The Gallery, Across the Kitchen Table, even the Garden notes.  Everything is written as if two neighbours were chatting across the fence.  Come back regularly for there will always be something new to discover!