How and when did the functions of our mind begin?

How and when did the functions of our mind begin?

God tells us in Genesis 1:27 ‘So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.’  When God created Adam and Eve our first parents, He made more than just a functioning body.  We can see this from a number of facts recorded in Genesis.

Adam was shown the animals that God had created and he was able to give them names. He could think and made choices.

Adam very quickly realised that there was only one of him and there was not another person like himself.  He sensed loneliness.

God gave them one single commandment, not to eat of a certain tree in the middle of their garden home.  Again, they had the ability to choose.  God had said that if they ate of that tree there would be a penalty, their life would be taken away from them.  So, it is clear that they also had the concept of cause and effect, and an understanding of consequences.  But more than that, they were not robots , they had free will.  They could obey or disobey their Maker.

They also knew love and affection for when Adam first saw Eve, he said, ‘This is now bone of my bones.’  He showed care and affection and love.  He desired to protect Eve.

The functions of our mind did not evolve but were given by God to the human race as a positive gift to help us relate to God our Creator and to one another.